Pureple Tips

How to get started using Pureple

How to add my own clothes to Pureple

How to delete sample clothes or any item/outfit from my wardrobe

Tips on taking photos for closet

NEW!!! Adding items from web: How to find and pick the best image in search results

How can I set or change the category of an item

NEW!!! How to set category, occasion, color etc. of multiple items at a time

How can I add a custom category for e.g. hair styles, sweaters

How can I delete a category or edit category names

How can I filter my clothes by category i.e. to see only the shoes

How can I add an outfit/item to calendar

How can I make an outfit

How can I edit an outfit

How to add additional photos for an item

How can I have Pureple suggest outfits for me

How can I share my outfit with Pureple community

How can I share my outfit with friends or social media

NEW!!! How to share my wardrobe with my friends

NEW!!! How to allow others create outfits for me

NEW!!! How to visit friends’ closets and make outfits for them

Is my closet private? Does anyone else see my items/outfits

How can I print hard copies of items and outfits in my closet

How can I save the photo of items and outfits in my closet to my photo library

How to move your wardrobe to a new phone/device

How can I recover my closet if I accidentally delete Pureple, lose my phone or buy a new phone (without a pro account)?

How to discontinue paid membership?

Blank Black Screen When Adding Items from Camera?




    • Hi there! Thank you for using Pureple. Could you please go to ‘Account’ page and tap ‘Log Out’ and then tap ‘Log In’? Then please tap Create Account with your correct email.


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